
Catholic Daughters 2625 installs officers

New officers for the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Prince Gallitzin No. 2625 are (from left): Carol Galioto, vice regent; Judy Wood, recording secretary; Donna Hoover, regent; Mary Grace Horton, financial secretary; and Annette Ajay, treasurer.

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Prince Gallitzin No. 2625 met June 10

in the multipurpose room at St. Rose of Lima, Altoona.

After a brief meeting, the members attended Mass, after which the new officers were installed by District Deputy Susan Ronan.

The new officers were: Donna Hoover, regent; Carol Galioto, vice regent; Judy Wood, recording secretary; Mary Grace Horton, financial secretary; and Annette Ajay, treasurer.

The court will celebrate 15 years of involvement and service to the Altoona area community.

Upcoming events include a tentative baby drive, a picnic in August and an Altoona Curve game in September.

If interested in joining the court, contact Hoover at 814-631-3509. All Catholic women are invited.


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