
WISE Women of Blair County presents spring scholarships

Courtesy photos Cynthia Baker (left) receives her scholarship from WISE Women Board President/Scholarship Chair Mandy Michelone.

WISE Women of Blair County announced the scholarship recipients for the spring 2024 term.

These scholarships are available to women residents of Blair County 21 years of age and older who have overcome adversity or discrimination in their lives and are pursuing post-secondary education.

WISE Women Board President and Scholarship Chair Mandy Michelone and Committee member Donna D. Gority presented the checks to the scholarship recipients.

A total of $12,000 was awarded to the following three women:

n Hollie Keller, who is a student in the bachelor’s double degree program in English and business management and marketing at Penn State Altoona (received a WISE Scholarship as well as a Donna D. Gority Scholarship);

Hollie Keller (right) receives her scholarship from WISE Women Committee member Donna D. Gority. Also receiving a scholarship was Kiara Coble, who was not available when the photos were taken.

n Cynthia Baker, who is a student in the degree program in Echocardiography at Mount Aloysius College (received a WISE Scholarship as well as a Donna D. Gority Scholarship);

n Kiara Coble, who is a student in the degree program in ultrasound at Mount Aloysius (WISE scholarship).

The scholarships are awarded through the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation.

To obtain an application packet, visit www.wisewomenofblaircounty.org.

For further information, email info@wisewomenofblaircounty.org.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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