
Penn State workers vote to go on strike

Contract deadline is June 30 for Teamsters Local 8 union

More than 2,700 technical service workers at Penn State University will go on strike if a new contract with the university is not agreed to by the Sunday, June 30, deadline.

The move to strike was approved after a nearly two-day union vote ended with a 91% majority in favor of striking, according to a post on the Teamsters Local 8 Facebook post Wednesday.

The post stated that 2,053 of the 2,700 union members participated in the vote, with 1,878 in favor and 175 opposed. The union, which represents workers in custodial, emergency medical response, food and housing departments, among others, said the executive board will take action only if efforts to come to an agreement with Penn State officials fail by the expiration of the current contract. The board hopes the strike authorization will help leverage the union’s position for a fair contract with the university.

According to the Facebook post, the voter turnout was a record for Local 8.


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