
National media, too often, shows its bias

I take issue, in part at least, with a recent editorial in the Altoona Mirror.

It is entitled: “World better served with information.”

There needs to be an asterisk included there.

What the world needs is truthful and unbiased information.

Sadly, it seems much, if not most, of the national media available today is more along the line of misleading, subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle propaganda.

Take the Associated Press that the Mirror uses for national and international coverage. There are writers on board there that are clearly biased against conservatives and conservatism.

Just recently in the Mirror, an AP writer had an article about the 2022 shooting at a LGBTQ club that led to the deaths and injuries of many. The writer stated the club “was a refuge in the conservative city of Colorado Springs.”

Really? A refuge from what? Conservatism apparently.

Otherwise what is germane to the story about the political leanings of the city?

Steve Kleiner



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