
Texas Open winner has lead on first day

The Associated Press

DETROIT — Akshay Bhatia chipped in for eagle from 83 feet on the 17th hole at Detroit Golf Club and closed with a birdie for an 8-under 64 and the first-round lead Thursday in the Rocket Mortgage Classic.

The 22-year-old Bhatia, the Texas Open winner in April for his second PGA Tour title, was 6 under over his last six holes. He tied for fifth last week in Connecticut, where he was in the final group that was disrupted by climate protesters storming the 18th green.

Taylor Montgomery and Michael Kim were a stroke back. Montgomery had a 6-under 30 on his front nine and added one more birdie on the back in a bogey-free round. Defending champion Rickie Fowler was in the group at 66.


n Richard Green and Hiroyuki Fujita each shot 7-under 63 in the U.S. Senior Open on Thursday, taking advantage of low wind in the morning to attack the seaside Newport Country Club course and pull a stroke ahead of local favorite Billy Andrade, who shot a 64 in the afternoon.


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