
JCMA hosts Mathmalchemy exhibit

Math, art combine in multimedia installation

Courtesy photo Mathemalchemy is a room-sized math and art installation now on display at the Juniata College Museum of Art through the end of November. The exhibit was first assembled by 24 mathematical artists in the summer of 2021.

By the numbers, Mathmalchemy, now on display at the Juniata College Museum of Art, is an exhibit with 14 central components, in 20 artistic media, created by 24 mathematical artists and artistic mathematicians over two years, with a division of labor demonstrated in 12 overlapping diagrams. The exhibit is open from

1 to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and noon to 4 p.m. Saturday through the end of November.

“The exhibit has metal work, woodwork, knitting, crochet, quilting, glass working, sewing, quilting, paper art, tamari balls and ceramics. There is a lot,” said Kimberly Roth, Juniata College professor of mathematics and one of the mathematical artists behind Mathmalchemy. “It is a very multimedia project.”

The entire exhibit was first assembled at Duke University during the summer of 2021 over three weeks and remained on display at Duke University through December 2021, then was moved to the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.

Juniata College will host the exhibit through November, when it will be moved to Boston University, according to their website.


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